This shot is for RequeStock, which is a new stock website currently in the beta stages. Normally with stock you take a bunch of pictures and hope someone wants them. With requestock you get specific image requests from people and the image you submit gets put into a pool of everyone elses image. At the end of the deadline the original requestor picks what image he wants to use and pays the person who submitted it.
If you follow the above link I think you are still able to join the beta. Check it out!
man that was a really kool post .. super kool awesome
great post really very interesting dude
hmm i would say ... you are better off with yourpersonal snaps stuff
Don't worry, we'll track you down everywhere you'd go. (was that scary enough?) ...and then we'll follow.
Good luck, ! Now it's the best time to say "keep it up".
Just think how far you have progressed since your first blog. Change is tough - forced change really sucks. Keep the faith. You do great work for the industry and the end-users.
You have an awesome photos keep it up.
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