Saturday, February 2, 2008

hooked n cooked

This is probably just a coincidence, but I happened to come across three remarkably similar statements from three different photographers in recent days, one of them a highly accomplished professional. Distilled to their essence, what each photographer said was, "Just one more digital camera upgrade, and I'm done."

I don't know how many people out there don't know this, but if you've been having similar thoughts, good luck on that there, bubba. Digital is great and all, but once you're on the merry-go-round, you're on it. There's never gonna be one last upgrade—for cameras any more than computers or operating systems. That ain't the land you live in now. This is the Hotel California. You're hooked, you're cooked.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Going for the photography humor trifecta? Not nearly as funny as this, but a little funny: FARK thread on auction of world's oldest camera "with lens cap still in place"