If you're looking to save money on flowers you might want to check out Grower's Box. Loads of different floral varieties are available in bulk, all waiting to be shipped to your doorstep, all you have to do is arrange them. Granted, not all of us have the time or inclination to create our own flower arrangements. Even if you are hiring a florist, consider supplementing with a box of 10,000 rose petals
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
flower in bulk
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
places to see
and i do need it. i need the familiar weighty feeling of metal and plastic in my hands, the tinny click of the shutter in my ear. i need to hide my face behind its mechanisms and experience this new place in metaphors.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
words words words
main entry: den·drite
function: noun
date: 1751
1: a branching treelike figure produced on or in a mineral by a foreign mineral; also : the mineral so marked
2: a crystallized arborescent form
3: any of the usually branching protoplasmic processes that conduct impulses toward the body of a neuron — see neuron
main entry: limn
pronunciation: \ˈlim\
function: transitive verb
inflected form(s): limned; limn·ing Listen to the pronunciation of limning \ˈli-miŋ, ˈlim-niŋ\
etymology: middle english limnen to illuminate (a manuscript), probably back-formation from lymnour illuminator, alteration of lumenur, from anglo-french aluminer, enluminer to illuminate, ultimately from Latin illuminare
date: 1592
1 : to depict or describe in painting or words
2 : to outline in clear sharp detail : delineate
3 : to suffuse or highlight with a bright color or light
main entry: 2torque
function: noun
etymology: latin torquēre to twist
date: circa 1884
1: a force that produces or tends to produce rotation or torsion
2: a turning or twisting forc
Saturday, November 24, 2007
1/ i obsessively twirl my hair. to the point where strangers have come up to me to tell me how mesmerizing they find watching me do it.
2/ i have a scar down the center of my tongue from when, as a four year old, i hit my head on a diving board whilst trying to do a flip. i've never been able to flip since, and this includes a three year stint on a diving team (just so you know, a basic flip is the basis of almost every dive).
3/ i love christmas.
4/ i'm a fraternal twin. our birthday was tuesday.
5/ i don't like ice cream all that much. the massive combination of sugar and dairy makes me kind of sick. i do however like cookies. a lot.
6/ i still wear my retainer.
7/ i once broke a girl's nose. we were goofing off during swim practice and our game went awry. she was gushing blood. i didn't accept that it was broken until five years later. i sincerely thought she was joking, but she pulled me aside one day and was like, listen, you really broke my nose.
8/ i am currently staying on the couch of a friend in brooklyn, as i don't have a home. searching for an apartment is worrying the devil out me and consuming my entire life.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
wedding style goldmine
I came across the portfolio pages of photo stylist/crafter/designer Rebecca Thuss via Oh Joy!, and couldn't resist posting them here. Her site is truly a treasure trove of wedding related photographs and ideas, (mostly due to the fact that she's the former style director of Martha Stewart Weddings), and would be a great style resource for any bride. Check it out!
Monday, November 19, 2007
as hard as it is for me to accept, this is the first time in my life that i can't find time for picture making. even when i was stock piling film all last year (still unprocessed by the way), i was at least still shooting. i hope this doesn't last long. this terrifies me.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
blooming boxes

Oh, these are just precious! These beautiful flower boxes are from Parapluie, (that means umbrella, in french). The paper petals open to reveal whatever tiny treat you decide to tuck inside. For little more than folded paper, these could really add some pop to your place-settings. Available in pink, baby blue, white and red.
Friday, November 16, 2007
out with cold

i processed film for the first time since graduating (june 06) thursday night. it sparked an avalanche. yesterday i processed 6 times in a row, officially working through half my pile of neglected film. my aim is to get through the remainder by this friday.
i intentionally threw all the film into one bowl refusing to differientiate the newer work from the older because i knew if i knew which ones were which i might never have touched the older ones. of course this made the experience of looking through the images much more difficult. very scary. i didn't even want to look at the older ones because i feel such a strong urge to move on, but then when i finally saw that some of those images were rather stunning compared to the newer ones in which none of my ideas are fully developed yet, i was rather demoralized. but over all i think the new work is headed in an exciting direction. and i still have 12 plus rolls to process so the adventure continues.
special thanks to lisa elmaleh for constantly nagging me to process my film at her house and for subsequently driving my chemicals back to my apartment (and for getting that stupid filter off my faucet). the diptych below is hers.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
floral inspiration

I found out about Brooklyn based SAIPUA thru Oh Joy!, and thought that even if you weren't in the Brooklyn area, you could use a shot of floral inspiration. If you are in the Brooklyn area, lucky you! SAIPUA also has a fun blog you might want to add to your morning circui
Thursday, November 8, 2007
1154 lill studio

I discovered 1154 Lill Studios thru my sister, who has one of their custom, design-your-own purses on her Christmas list. Love the creative styles and formats they have to choose from, and their prices are very reasonable. Today I worked on some beautiful invites with a yellow and pewter color scheme, which I'm totally smitten with now. I created these three combos on the same clutch, but there are quite a few templates to choose from as well as a huge selection of fabrics. Might come in handy as bridesmaid's gifts, or for yourself. They have more formal options as wel
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
out-of-towner's totes
Thanks to sender-inner Pam for letting me know about these adorable little totes. Wouldn't these make excellent little welcome gifts for your out-of-towners? Fill them with maps, local restaurant menus, area attractions, maybe a local treat or two... instant welcome kit. Who doesn't love a tote bag? The trick is deciding which letters to get. Word on the street is that ink colors can be customized, two letters can be added, and they come in three sizes. Here for the deets.
Sunday, November 4, 2007

The nice folks over at Poppytalk Handmade inform me that this month's theme is "Love Transforms", a market for all things handmade and geared toward the romantic. Some of my favorite pieces are the print above from elegantmusings, and the ceramics below by dolamakes, but there are many, many more things to see. Check it out for something one-of-a-kind for your sweetie on Valentine's day, something sweet for the bridesmaids, something fun just for you. Don't pass up the opportunity to support independent artisans in their creative pursuits.
Friday, November 2, 2007
thats somethn to savour
You may feel as if this blog is morphing into a glossy-obsessed mosaic - well - for now anyway, it kind of is! I am just finding so much to delight me in the pages of some of my favorite magazines right now; like these beautiful images from nov '07 British Homes & Gardens...